Trusted Housesitters will love your pets
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Available in states:
Preferred locations:
Bay area - Oakland preferred
Is / Are:
A couple
Age group:
55 plus
Available from:
Current bookings:
Busy through end of 2013
Married couple from Orlando area since pre-Disney; retired. We've owned and maintained several houses. We've owned and cared for dogs and cats.
We live simple and quiet lives.
We don't smoke at all (strong odors give Chere migraines). Rory might enjoy a beer or glass of wine (Chere again cannot drink alcohol due to migraines). We live simply and enjoy seeing the sights and entertainment of the surrounding area (hikes, museums, theater, gardens, rivers, beaches, etc.)
Rory is a Master Gardener, Master Botanical Naturalist and does volunteer work monthly for Nature Conservancy (well monitoring) and Seminole Lands (owl and frog hike leader for groups).
Chere is an artist (watercolor, acrylic and handbuilt clay) and volunteers for local art school. She sings in local chorus (Young at Heart) which sing out for retirement homes, business luncheons, and assorted local events.
We both volunteer for the local theaters regularly.
With 4 canoes, we find our ways on local rivers to enjoy paddling and camping.
We each grew up with a medium sized dog in the house, We shared raising a cat while our daughter was growing up, and currently have a 10lb long haired chihuahua, Bosco.
Bosco is fear aggressive and a resource guarder; so we are constantly working on making his life (and ours) better by training each day. Bosco knows many tricks and does agility training. He's a good dog but his issues need to be worked on daily.
Chere has completed house/pet sitting assignments:
- CA (two adorable corgis - we are now friends with owner and meet up when I am in Oakland area)
-New Orleans (Long time friend's 2 fluffy indoor cats that love their sunny 2nd story patio)
-Virginia (Sister's corgi who learned tons of tricks)
-Oakland (Daughter's medium sized dog)
-Saratoga (Friend's cat)
We have a daughter, son-in-law & new grandson Oakland area CA and would enjoy being able to be close by without staying in their guest room. We've taken several trips together with the kids and delight in sharing the grandson and being a part of their lives.
We might both come to house/pet sit or just Chere.
Our dog will stay in Orlando; we have sitting arrangements.
>>Looking for a week or several week assignment.
We live simple and quiet lives.
We don't smoke at all (strong odors give Chere migraines). Rory might enjoy a beer or glass of wine (Chere again cannot drink alcohol due to migraines). We live simply and enjoy seeing the sights and entertainment of the surrounding area (hikes, museums, theater, gardens, rivers, beaches, etc.)
Rory is a Master Gardener, Master Botanical Naturalist and does volunteer work monthly for Nature Conservancy (well monitoring) and Seminole Lands (owl and frog hike leader for groups).
Chere is an artist (watercolor, acrylic and handbuilt clay) and volunteers for local art school. She sings in local chorus (Young at Heart) which sing out for retirement homes, business luncheons, and assorted local events.
We both volunteer for the local theaters regularly.
With 4 canoes, we find our ways on local rivers to enjoy paddling and camping.
We each grew up with a medium sized dog in the house, We shared raising a cat while our daughter was growing up, and currently have a 10lb long haired chihuahua, Bosco.
Bosco is fear aggressive and a resource guarder; so we are constantly working on making his life (and ours) better by training each day. Bosco knows many tricks and does agility training. He's a good dog but his issues need to be worked on daily.
Chere has completed house/pet sitting assignments:
- CA (two adorable corgis - we are now friends with owner and meet up when I am in Oakland area)
-New Orleans (Long time friend's 2 fluffy indoor cats that love their sunny 2nd story patio)
-Virginia (Sister's corgi who learned tons of tricks)
-Oakland (Daughter's medium sized dog)
-Saratoga (Friend's cat)
We have a daughter, son-in-law & new grandson Oakland area CA and would enjoy being able to be close by without staying in their guest room. We've taken several trips together with the kids and delight in sharing the grandson and being a part of their lives.
We might both come to house/pet sit or just Chere.
Our dog will stay in Orlando; we have sitting arrangements.
>>Looking for a week or several week assignment.